Tuesday 3 August 2021

A paradox if God has non-occurrent knowledge

I'm toying with the notion that only some of God's knowledge is occurrent. He is not at any moment aware of the truth-value of all propositions, but can choose to become aware of the truth-value of any proposition. But this leads to a paradox. Say God will not decide to become aware of the truth-value of any proposition at time t. Thus, the proposition that "God will not decide to become aware of the truth-value of any proposition at time t" is true. But could God decide to bring that proposition into His awareness at time t? Well, there are possible worlds where God bring the truth-value of that proposition into His awareness. But in all those worlds, the proposition is false. And, in all the worlds where it is true, God is not aware of its truth. So, there is no world where this proposition is true and God is aware of its truth.

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