Saturday 11 September 2021

An Argument for Pantheism

1) For all p, if I know p, then God knows p.

2) I know that I am Squared.

3) Therefore, God knows that He is Squared.

4) Therefore, God is Squared.

We need to be careful with how we treat indexicals, otherwise we might commit ourselves to pantheism. I reject (4), so instead of (1), I would affirm,

1') For all p, if I know p and p has no indexical, then God knows p.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I'm more tesseracted than squared. At the very least, I'm cubed.

    Presumably, a God would be infinitacted, or infinite-dimensional.

    (I feel like I *might* be missing the point here... 🤷🏻‍♂️)


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